Weaves and rotors and butterflies. Oh my!

Yessirree. It’s another day of meteor practice. Still at that “why doesn’t anything work!?!” phase, but I actually got the one handed butterfly. …intermittently. And I got rotors! …more-or-less. And my 2 beat weaves are going great! Well… it’s not bad, but I need to put in more hour plus sessions to really work out the kinks. (sighs) Practice practice practice practice practice (breaths) practice practice practice….

BTW. I tried fire breathing for the first time ever (!!!) last Friday night. It was awesome.

About D. J. Carmen

Software developer, fire spinner, musician, occasional artist, and wandering soul. Depending on the day, you may find me working on my latest project, walking about the park, or skipping stones by the river.
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