Author Archives: D. J. Carmen

About D. J. Carmen

Software developer, fire spinner, musician, occasional artist, and wandering soul. Depending on the day, you may find me working on my latest project, walking about the park, or skipping stones by the river.

Reverse flick.

Today’s practice was all about throwing my cane up in the air and catching it. The throwing is so easy. Making sure it lands where you want it to, not so much. I’ve been practicing it on-and-off since last week. … Continue reading

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Heard over the weekend

There was a point when I spun fire sword last weekend. I heard someone in the audience commenting to his friend that it was clear that I had martial arts experience. I had to smile. I don’t think I know … Continue reading

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Back in action

Phew. The broken toe put me out of commission for a few weeks, but I’m finally starting to feel like my old self again. Well… With a private festival last weekend and a baby renaissance fair a couple of weekends before … Continue reading

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At Loss for Words

I’ve been thinking a lot on my communication skills as of late. Maybe I do fine. I don’t really know. But what I get is a sense that I’m a beginner in a sea of experts. I’m not sure if … Continue reading

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Triage of Dreams

Two Sundays ago, I fractured my big toe. It’s slowed me down quite a bit. Now I find myself looking at a shelf in the living room and asking myself: “Am I ever going to get that costume piece done?” … Continue reading

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I got fans.

Yup. They’re fire fans. Yes-sirree. That’s my serious face. It’s a very serious face. It’s a face that says, “I just bought these fans today, and I have no clue why.” Where did I get these fans? The Flow Market. It’s … Continue reading

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The Search for Sound : Part 2

Hot. Damn. The violin is sexy, like super sexy. I want that violin. And the music? I want to go there. I so very want to go there. I want to go there, stop for a bit to enjoy the … Continue reading

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The Search for Sound

If you didn’t know, I play violin. I’ve heard plenty of people far better than me, but if you need a strings guy, I’ll do in a pinch. After a long dry spell, I started playing again as of… last … Continue reading

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Impressions from Dance Class

(A messy, unedited stream-of-consciousness recounting of tonight’s dance class.) Oh no! I’m running late! I should have set aside time to eat before class. I’m going to flake out. I kno… No. I’m going to stay focused. …. Made it … Continue reading

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Horizontal Hands

Between a party, a heavy practice session, and getting back into bicycling, everything hurt today. So I focused on how to shape my hands while doing horizontal spins. In my explorations, I found two basic positions that feel natural and … Continue reading

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