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Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Buffalo Free Market
Yesterday was started with a pleasant surprise, I had woken up exactly when I’d planned to, 5am. So I got dressed, packed up my violin, and went on an exciting 4 hour drive to Buffalo, NY through car tossing winds. … Continue reading
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Lunch Time Practice
Today was so warm, I decided to work on my juggling. Still in the 3-5 catch range for 3 balls. You’d think waiting for a ball to fall into your hand would be easy. Noooo…. And throwing from side to … Continue reading
Lunch Time Practice
A modest day in the world of practice. Walking out to lunch, I worked on my single cane technique. Horizontal, vertical, in front, behind the back, etc. Then I realized I could toss the cane while in a ceiling plane … Continue reading
Happy Something or Other
In celebration of Valentine’s Day, I… Â Well I pulled out my brand new fire staff and started practicing. First a bit of traditional: backwards, forwards, one-beat, two-beat, three-beat, and more. Then contact: conveyor, angel rolls, and whatnot. My technique was … Continue reading
A few self-observations
Instead of just saying something, I often try to paint pictures with my words. When I get excited about something, I get extremely passionate about it. Sometimes it leads to burn-out. Sometimes it makes me later question my sanity. And … Continue reading
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Lessons in Strength
Went to Bex’s (Sense of Motion) Honoring the Body workshop yesterday. It was a pilates heavy workshop on warm-ups, exercises, and stretching for fire spinners that focused on the upper body. Good thing to. Between the core body training and … Continue reading
Rediscovering the Body
I’m heading down to Triskelion Arts this weekend to attend Honoring the Body, a workshop on stretching and strength training for fire spinners. I’m excited. After last season’s shoulder wrenching foray into double-cane, I could use a structured stretching and exercise routine.
I made some quick changes to the site, paring it down the the bare essentials and refocusing it towards selling chainmail and promoting myself as a performer. Quite soon, perhaps even tomorrow, there should be a listing of the first … Continue reading
Prep Time
The next Dorian’s Parlor is coming up April 16, and it looks like I’m going to be vending! This will be my first time selling chainmail. Expect more changes to this site as the event approaches!
A tiny site update.
Updated the home and fire pages. Not quite sure what to do with them yet. So I took the personal history route. Not quite what I’m looking for, but it will do for now. There is still a lot to … Continue reading